Professor Pollitt is a member of the editorial boards of The Energy Journal, Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, Review of Industrial Organization, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries and Utilities Policy. He is also a Research Associate at the Centre for Business Research (CBR). He is currently a member of the Office of Rail and Road’s expert advisory panel and a member of Ofwat’s Water 2020 advisory board. He is also a Research Fellow at the CERRE Centre on Regulation in Europe. Since 2000 he has been convenor of the Association of Christian Economists, UK.
Professor Pollitt has advised the UK Competition Commission, the New Zealand Commerce Commission, Ofgem, Ofwat, ESRC, the Norwegian Research Council, the DTI, the World Bank and the European Commission. He has also consulted for National Grid, AWG, EdF, Eneco, Nuon, Roche and TenneT. He is the Coach on the Cambridge MBA’s Energy & Environment concentration, and the University’s Energy Lead for Policy, Economics and Risk. He is Assistant Director of the Energy Policy Research Group, and a member of the Cambridge Corporate Governance Network.
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