Unlocking true customer-centricity: revolutionising communication through journey mapping

Nick Emanuel, Solutions Architect, Quadient

Quadient’s Nick Emmanuel delves into why it’s critical to understand customer journeys before attempting to streamline them, channeling Einstein’s approach to problem-solving. From building trust through transparency to leveraging empirical data for emotional resonance, learn the secrets to hyper-personalised communication.

About Quadient

Quadient helps companies deliver meaningful interactions with current and future customers. A leading and publicly listed company, the Quadient portfolio of CXM technology enables organisations to transform the experiences for their customers through timely, optimised, contextual, highly individualised, and accurate communications for all channels. Our solutions bring together and activate the entire organisation in the name of customer experience, through better collaboration, visibility into, and orchestration of the customer journey. Quadient supports thousands of enterprise clients and partners worldwide across various key industries, such as utilities in their quest to achieve customer experience excellence via mobile, digital, social media and print technologies.

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