Paddy Brow

Head of Living with Water Programme, NI Water

Paddy Brow is NI Water’s Head of Living With Water Programme, which is developing a Strategic Drainage Investment Plan that should deliver significant investment in drainage and wastewater treatment improvements for the catchments that discharge into Belfast Lough between 2020 and 2027.

Paddy joined NI Water in 2007 as Head of Asset Strategy, and since then has completed roles as Programme Manager for NI Water’s first regulated Business Plan PC10, and Project Manager for the capital elements of its PC15 Business Plan.

Prior to joining NI Water Paddy worked as a Consulting Engineer from 1992 on projects for UK Water Companies and the English Environment Agency.

Paddy is a Chartered member of CIWEM, a Fellow the Institution of Civil Engineers, a Board member of the UK Water Industries Research Company ‘UKWIR’, and is a member of the WaterUK’s Delivering 21st Century Drainage Programme Board.

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