Michael Kenefick

Michael Kenefick

Senior Associate, Decentralised Energy, BloombergNEF

Michael is a Senior Associate on the Grids and Utilities team at BloombergNEF. His work explores the question of whether power networks are ready for the energy transition, such as renewable deployment and electric vehicle charging. This includes understanding what more needs to be done, and how, to ensure that the grid does not become a bottleneck for the changes needed. 

A key focus of his is the decentralization of our energy systems: more power equipment connecting at the low-voltage grid and consumers taking a more active role in their energy use, such as installing rooftop solar. Alongside this, Michael tracks how incumbent energy companies and utilities are adapting to this new world and new business models. 

Michael has a background in building services and sustainable energy consulting. He holds an MSc in Sustainable Energy Futures from Imperial College and a BEng in Civil and Environmental Engineering


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