Kripa Subramanian

Kripa Subramanian

Global Lead Customer Experience, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

Kripa leads a multifaceted, customer-centric career guided by one philosophy – know your customer to not only survive but thrive. This has inspired her since the start of her career with the Oberoi’s where she learned the value of this dedication to exceptional customer experience.

While holding sales and operations, corporate and consulting leadership positions, her career has been steeped with innovating, strategizing, executing, and measuring customer experience to drive revenues. She has successfully applied her breadth of experience across multiple industries

Kripa Subramanian is the Customer Experience Lead for TCS’s Utility business, leading the unit’s Voice of the customer and Customer experience strategy. She has an MBA in Business Management and lives in London with her husband, daughter, and her beloved boxer.

Outside work she is passionate about bringing in skill diversity and STEM education. Kripa is the Chair of ‘Hive’ – the gender diversity group in TCS UK as well as a governor for Queen Mary University and local primary school.

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