Gordon is a champion of sustainability and responsible business, with a focus on water, natural capital and climate change.
As Head of Sustainability at Yorkshire Water, Gordon has embedded a cross-business programme of sustainability activity that drives continual improvement across the Company’s environmental, financial and social priorities.
Over recent years, Gordon has focused on introducing to Yorkshire Water the concepts of the Capitals and Integrated Reporting. Having taken value from a pilot assessment using the draft Natural Capital Protocol in early 2016, Gordon and his team are delivering a growing programme of assessments across the Capitals which are informing the Company’s long term strategy. The focus has matured to various practical applications that inform risk management and decision making to maximise resilience and multiple benefits for customers. Gordon will soon be publishing a report on the findings and methodology of the Company’s first Total Impact and Value Assessment, in which the team have quantified, and in many areas monetised, a broad range of metrics across the capitals.
Gordon works nationally with groups including Accounting for Sustainability and the Natural Capital Coalitional, and is driving projects to help standardise the water industry’s approach to Natural Capital.
Gordon is also a Trustee of the Yorkshire Building Society Charitable Foundation, helping govern the Trust’s distribution of donations (over £7m to date) to a wide range of good causes