Florian Froemberg

Global Director SAP Customer Experience for Utilities, SAP

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has a central role in the work life of Florian Frömberg. Working in different roles, from Support to Business Consulting and Sales, at different CRM vendors, he was able to be in the middle of the evolution around Customer Experience in the last 15 years. At SAP, Florian is responsible for the portfolio of Customer Experience solutions, tools, and best practices for the Utilities Industry globally. This includes working with customers, analysts, and partners to adapt to the changes happening at lightning speed. Florian has been instrumental in helping utilities move “Beyond CRM” by helping them serve the need of consumers for personalized service, bundled with relevant offers and expert advice. Florian likes engaging with utilities companies to jointly discover their own journey of putting the consumer at the center of their engagement, today and tomorrow.

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