Ettore Bucci

Ettore Bucci

Policy Officer, European Commission

Hey, there! I am a traveller, reader and curious learner. Anyway, in professional terms, I am Policy Officer in the Social Dialogue unit, DG Employment and Social Affairs, European Commission. I am managing the Structured Social Dialogue Committees on Gas, Extractive Industries, Steel, Shipbuilding, working on Just Transition and Green New Deal, and in the European Semester according to the needs of the DG. Moreover, I am supporting the Cross-sectoral Social Dialogue through the Liaison Forum meetings and the support in the negotiations for cross-industrial agreements, also following EU-funded projects in Social Dialogue and Industrial Relationships. Graduated in History and Civilisations at the University of Pisa (110/110 cum laude) with an Erasmus+ placement at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris) and in Parliamentary Institutions at Sapienza – University of Rome 1 (110/110 cum laude) with a thesis devoted to the faith-based Catholic lobbying towards parliamentary bodies in the EU, France, and Italy. Teaching fellow in Political Thought and History of Political Institutions at the University of Pisa (2019-2022), and holder of a research grand awarded by the University Catholic Center (CEI- 2019-2022), I have worked in project management and policy in CSOs dealing with Education and Training at the EU level.

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