Alexander Hain

Alexander Hain

Senior Investment Manager Vertical-Director, Energy Asset Solutions, EWE AG

Alexander Hain is Senior Investment Manager at EWE. In his role as Vertical Director, he is responsible for the area “Energy Solutions and Sustainability” and is
board member of various direct and fund investments.

Before joining EWE, Alexander already worked in multiple positions and acquired a broad experience and knowledge in the fields of innovation, business development, entrepreneurship and venture capital.

For Vattenfall Alexander was responsible for the Venture Building activities and was spinning out multiple companies and initiatives. For the German pump
manufacturer Wilo, Alexander was building up the Innovation Hub (Wincubator) from scratch. At the Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability he was
responsible for the overall project management and led a nationwide campaign for start-ups in the Green Economy.

Alexander also gained his own founding experience as a co-founder of chariteam.

Alexander holds a university degree in International Economics and Business of the University of Bamberg (Germany) and Universidad de Extremadura (Spain)

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