Redefining the utilities customer experience

Reassuring, retaining and catering to the customer in unprecedented times

Join this webinar to uncover key practical steps you can take to create an agile CX strategy to adapt and pre-empt disruptive shocks.

The panel discusses:

  • How are customer demands changing?
  • Standing out from the crowd: strategies for differentiation on commodity products
  • Creating a unique, personalised experience: what does good look like?
  • How can the industry ensure that the transformation benefits all customers, especially the vulnerable?
  • Unlocking the new digital playing-field: navigating the path to success
  • Upgrading legacy systems and approaches: restart or piecemeal
  • Building a company culture that facilitates a rapid pace of change
  • Catalyst or inhibitor: how was Covid-19 impacted digital transformation timelines?
  • How can predictive analytics enhance customer experiences?
  • Looking towards the future: how can companies prepare to serve the customer of 2030 and beyond?

The panel of experts:

Shaunna Berendsen, Head of Innovation Engagement, Anglian Water

Phil Reid, Head of Buildings and Complex Structures, Tractebel-ENGIE

Penelope Hope, Chief Commercial Officer, Rebel Energy

Neil Greathead, Chief Customer Officer, Smart Communications

Nick Umney, Technical Director, Salesforce

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Future of Utilities: The Virtual Sessions

Virtual Episodes across June & July

Getting from the pandemic to Net Zero will require huge transformation from the energy and water sectors, so over four sessions – Customer, EVs, Water & Room 101, we have assembled a fantastic line-up of speakers to prepare you for that monumental journey.

Speakers include:

  • Basil Scarsella, Chief Executive Officer, UK Power Networks

  • Heidi Mottram CBE, Chief Executive Officer, Northumbrian Water

  • Colin Skellett, Chief Executive Officer, Wessex Water

  • Juliet Davenport, Chief Executive Officer, Good Energy

Future of Utilities: The virtual sessions

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